On the morning of December 13, 2020, Lindsey Boylan sat in the passenger seat of her family’s car, with her husband at the wheel and her six-year-old daughter in the back. She began typing a series of tweets on her phone. Boylan, a former special adviser to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, had felt increasingly troubled as press reports mentioned Cuomo as a potential Attorney General in the Biden Administration. For more than a year, she had been raising allegations on Twitter that Cuomo presided over a hostile and toxic workplace, initially drawing little attention. A week before, Boylan had tweeted again, and another former Cuomo employee had reached out to her privately, to share a story of being sexually harassed by the Governor. “I felt really responsible for what happened to this woman, because I didn’t do something about it,” Boylan told me, in her first detailed interview about her allegations. She saw the stories about Cuomo’s political prospects as a cause for urgency.
In the car, she began tweeting allegations that Cuomo had sexually harassed her, too. “@NYGovCuomo sexually harassed me for years. Many saw it, and watched,” she wrote. She referenced harassment about her looks and described an unpredictable and intimidating workplace experience. Her husband became aware of the tweets only as the reaction began to build online. “I felt like I was just exploded,” Boylan recalled. “And he felt like he was having a heart attack.”
As Boylan’s disclosures began to draw notice on social media, a group of current and former Cuomo staffers who served as his informal crisis-communications brain trust moved to squash them “in real time,” according to one person with direct knowledge of the effort. Members of that group included Melissa DeRosa, a senior aide; Rich Azzopardi, Cuomo’s spokesperson; and Steven M. Cohen, a former secretary to the Governor. They circulated Boylan’s tweets and held a series of urgent calls. The group had just emerged from a frantic effort to respond to allegations that Cuomo’s office had deliberately undercounted COVID-related deaths in New York nursing homes. They were “putting that to bed, and then she pipes up. And then it’s sort of a big scramble,” the person with direct knowledge of the effort told me. “It was, like, what the hell do we do about this?” Cuomo’s advisers arrived at a plan to leak Boylan’s personnel records, which included allegations that Boylan had bullied colleagues, some of them women of color. “The decision was made collectively,” the person with direct knowledge of the effort said. “That these are facts, the reporters should see them.”
An intermediary who says that he was not on the calls, Rich Bamberger, a former communications director for Cuomo who now works for the public-relations firm Kivvit, called several reporters and advised them to contact the Governor’s office. According to the person with knowledge of the conversations, Azzopardi then sent Boylan’s personnel files to reporters. By day’s end, several of the complaints about Boylan had appeared in stories, by the Associated Press, the New York Post, and the Albany-based Times Union. Boylan recalled being stunned by the articles. “I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breathe,” she said. In the ensuing days, Cuomo aides began contacting people who had worked under Boylan—which some of the recipients found intimidating, the Wall Street Journal reported last week. Cuomo advisers also considered releasing a letter attacking Boylan’s credibility and reputation, drafts of which were first reported by the Times this week. They ultimately decided against releasing the letter. “My life was, you know, for a period, destroyed,” Boylan told me. In a statement, Beth Garvey, Cuomo’s acting counsel, said, “With certain limited exceptions, as a general matter, it is within a government entity’s discretion to share redacted employment records, including in instances when members of the media ask for such public information and when it is for the purpose of correcting inaccurate or misleading statements.”
Boylan’s allegations largely faded from public view, until last month, when she posted a detailed account of her experience on Medium. Boylan told me, during a series of lengthy interviews, that she decided to disclose her allegations via online posts and initially declined interview requests from journalists because “having someone dissect my trauma is not something I wanted.” She said that the essay took her more than a month to write. “I realized I had to own this experience,” she told me. “It was something I was going to have to talk about eventually.” A series of disclosures about Cuomo from other women, including multiple allegations of harassment and one of groping, quickly followed Boylan’s. “Seeing Lindsey’s story was a huge factor in my decision to come forward,” Charlotte Bennett, a former Cuomo staffer who began publicly discussing her account of sexual harassment by the Governor after Boylan’s Medium post, told me. “Coming forward didn’t feel like a choice—it felt like my responsibility to validate Lindsey’s story and signal to others that it was O.K. to come forward.”
The revelations have left Cuomo’s political future in New York, which he has governed since 2011, in a free fall. He now faces probes by both the New York attorney general, Letitia James, and the state assembly, which this week retained a law firm for that purpose. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and other prominent Democrats in the state congressional delegation have called for the Governor to resign. This week, President Biden, a longtime ally of Cuomo’s, said that the Governor should step down if the allegations are confirmed by investigators. Cuomo acknowledged some of the harassment allegations, saying, “I now understand that I acted in a way that made people feel uncomfortable,” but he maintained that his behavior was unintentional and denied all allegations that he “touched anyone inappropriately.” A spokesperson added, “As we said before, Ms. Boylan’s claims of inappropriate behavior are quite simply false.”
Until December 13th, Cuomo’s grip on power in New York had been near-absolute, a dominance secured at times through his willingness to discredit and intimidate his adversaries. Then Boylan posted her tweets. At first, it seemed as if she would meet the same fate as so many others who had challenged the Governor. Now, the Cuomo team’s response may turn out to be one of its final efforts to frighten an opponent into submission.
Between 2015 and 2018, Boylan served in several government roles, including deputy secretary for economic development. In 2016, she began interacting with Cuomo directly and had her first encounters with a workplace culture under him that she said was rife with bullying and retribution. “It was toxic, and particularly for women,” she said. Her description matched those of multiple current and former Cuomo staffers I spoke with, though others told me that the office culture was intense but not inappropriate. Boylan’s leaked personnel files reportedly contain allegations that she bullied women who worked with her, including Black women. Several former colleagues of Boylan’s, none of whom are Black, told me that they found the claims plausible and said that they had also found Boylan herself to be a hostile presence in the workplace. “I’ve seen Lindsey do her job well, but I’ve also had experiences where I felt belittled or bullied by her,” a former colleague, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told me. Others disputed that account or said that Boylan’s conduct was consistent with a culture where volatility was the norm. “It was a hard place to be,” Joel Wertheimer, an attorney who served as Cuomo’s staff secretary, told me. “They were nasty and awful.” Wertheimer quit after just seven months, dispirited by the environment. He is now a campaign consultant to Boylan, who is running for Manhattan borough president. He added, “I also was not the best version of myself when I was working there.”
Boylan said that Cuomo set the tone, ridiculing several of his closest staffers, including Stephanie Benton, the director of the Governor’s offices. “I remember, Stephanie had a haircut that he kept making fun of her for all day in front of other people. And she was crying,” Boylan said. (Benton, who is still employed in state government, said that Boylan’s account was untrue and that the Governor had always treated her well, adding, “If I felt otherwise, I would speak for myself.”) Boylan also said that Cuomo repeatedly ranted about another staffer, a young male aide, being “fat.” The young male aide, who no longer works for Cuomo, declined to comment on his experience and asked not to be named. Boylan described the workplace culture under the Governor as aggressive and combative. At a party in the pool house at the Governor’s mansion, in Albany, Boylan recalled seeing a dartboard bearing a photo of Bill de Blasio, Cuomo’s antagonist since he was elected Mayor of New York City, in 2014. “I couldn’t believe how brazen that was,” she said. (A spokesperson for the Governor declined to comment on the dartboard.)
Boylan had her first interaction with Cuomo after a speech he gave at Madison Square Garden on January 6, 2016, when she was working as the chief of staff at Empire State Development, a state entity that promotes economic growth. She said that he seemed to pay an unusual amount of attention to her. Soon afterward, she said, her boss, Howard Zemsky, told her that Cuomo had a “crush” on her. (Zemsky did not respond to a request for comment.) During the next two years, Boylan said, the Governor repeatedly commented on her appearance and touched her more than she felt was necessary or professional. “He would put his hand on my lower back,” Boylan said, adding that her experiences mirrored those of another woman, Anna Ruch, who told the Times that the Governor touched her lower back and asked to kiss her at a wedding reception. “He would find a way to, like, touch me in passing—getting on the plane, getting off the plane,” Boylan said. “He frequently stared at my legs.”
Kelsey DePalo, who met Boylan when both attended Wellesley College, told me that Boylan was initially excited to work with Cuomo, but her attitude soon changed. “She would talk about how he was creepy,” DePalo recalled. “We would talk about, you know, how when, if someone opens a door for you, they can open a door, or they can open a door and put their hand on the small of your back. They can lean over to tell you something, or lean over to tell you something and also put their hand on your knee.” She added, “You can sometimes catch someone, like, looking at your outfit in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable. Or commenting on your appearance. And so she would describe how he gave her the creeps, and was very touchy-feely in ways that made her feel highly uncomfortable.”
Another friend, as well as Boylan’s mother and husband, told me that Boylan had discussed similar concerns with them in 2016 and 2017. Boylan’s mother, Karen Boylan, saw the behavior as a pattern. “I hoped she would stay away from him,” she told me. Karen told me that, years earlier, she had quit a job as an accountant at a law firm after her boss sexually harassed her. Boylan was in high school at the time, and told me that her mother’s experience, which she referred to in her first tweets about her harassment allegations, deeply affected her. Boylan’s mother said that she had described the harassment to her daughter to prepare her for what she might face in the workplace. “It was something that we talked about a lot while she was growing up,” Karen told me. “You know, you hope your children learn from this.”
In an e-mail sent on August 4, 2016, Karen wrote, to her daughter, “I was thinking after our conversation last night about Governor Cuomo… I would hate (couldn’t tolerate) living with a partner or husband who behaved like that with women. It sounds very inappropriate what he says to you too.” Three months later, Boylan forwarded her mother an e-mail in which a Cuomo staffer asked Boylan’s supervisor whether she would be at an event the Governor was attending. “It’s gross,” Boylan told her mother, in a text that day. “I just wish I could be told how great I am based on my intelligence and abilities rather than some dumb thing.” (A spokesperson for Cuomo said that the staffer who sent the e-mail “oversaw events and scheduling, so it was her job to understand what relevant senior members of the team—male and female—would be attending Governor events.”)
Boylan said that the Governor frequently sought her out, sometimes taking her away from substantive responsibilities to fulfill a role she felt was ornamental. The Regional Economic Development Council awards, in Albany, in December, 2016, were the culmination of a year’s work for Boylan. The monetary awards to local businesses and organizations are a part of Cuomo’s economic strategy and were a centerpiece of Boylan’s portfolio. After the awards, a Cuomo aide aggressively pressed Boylan to return to New York City on a helicopter with Cuomo and Maria Bartiromo, a television host, who had spoken at the event. Boylan refused. “He likes to put women next to each other,” Boylan said. “Like we’re part of his tools, or his little, you know, dolls.” (A spokesperson for Cuomo said that the flight arrangements were “not a point of contention.”) A few days later, Benton, the Cuomo aide, e-mailed Boylan, telling her that the Governor had suggested Boylan look up a woman that colleagues had told her was romantically linked to the Governor. “You could be sisters,” Benton wrote. “Except you’re the better looking sister.” (Benton told me, “That was my attempt at banter, not his.”)
At a holiday party held at an Albany convention center later that month, Boylan said, when the Governor approached her, she left the room. Later that day, she said, the young male aide, whom Boylan said had been bullied, called and told her that the Governor wanted her to come to the Capitol. (The aide declined to comment on the call.) As Boylan walked to Cuomo’s office in the Capitol, she called her husband and told him that she was afraid. In a statement, her husband said that he could “sense absolute terror in her voice.” Cuomo showed her his office, and called attention to a cigar box that he told her was a gift from President Bill Clinton. Since childhood, Boylan had idolized Hillary Clinton. She once waited in line for hours to have a photo taken with her, an experience that she said “changed my life.” Boylan said that the obvious reference to Clinton’s sexual behavior disturbed her, because the Governor knew that she considered Hillary Clinton a role model. “It was deeply distressing,” Boylan told me.
Boylan says that the pattern of inquiries about her and comments about her looks continued through the rest of her time in the administration. E-mails from Cuomo aides reviewed by The New Yorker were consistent with that account. Boylan said that the harassment grew more brazen over time. She said that, in October, 2017, as she sat with the Governor on a private plane, he told her, “Let’s play strip poker.” (In a statement released by the Governor’s office, four former staffers listed as being on such flights that month said that they had not witnessed the exchange.) In 2018, in an incident she has not previously disclosed, Boylan attended a meeting on the ground floor of the Governor’s mansion. At a press conference that February, Cuomo had proudly showed off his new puppy, a Siberian-Shepherd-Malamute mix named Captain. After the meeting, Boylan said that she made her way toward the entrance with the Governor, and Captain approached her. When the dog jumped up and down near her, Boylan said, she reached out to calm him, and then backed away. Cuomo, she said, joked that if he were a dog, he would try to “mount” her as well. Boylan said that she did not reply. “I remember being grossed out but also, like, what a dumb third-grade thing to say.” She added, “I just shrugged it off.” A spokesperson for Cuomo declined to comment specifically on the claim, but reiterated Cuomo’s denial that he behaved inappropriately with Boylan.
Boylan told me that over time she had become accustomed to such remarks, but she felt that her physical boundaries were crumbling. In an incident in the summer of 2018, which she described in her Medium post, she met with Cuomo one-on-one in his Manhattan office. As she got up to leave, Cuomo moved in front of her. “He blocked me getting out,” she told me. Then, as she attempted to move forward, she said, he kissed her on the lips. “It was in no way platonic,” she told me. “I was mortified.” Her mother, Karen, says Boylan told her about the incident at the time. “Lindsey’s way is to either call or text me immediately when things like this have happened, because she’s horrified,” she said. “She was, like, ‘Oh, my God, did anybody see that happen? You know, I’m so embarrassed.’ ” Cuomo said of the kiss, “This did not happen.”
By now, Boylan said, her mental health had deteriorated and she had become more adversarial at the office, responding vocally to harsh comments from a circle of aides loyal to Cuomo, whom she said were known in the office as “the mean girls.” She said that group included Melissa DeRosa, the senior aide. (A spokesperson praised DeRosa, calling the label an example of “sexist tropes.”) On one occasion, Boylan said, during a call about a work matter, DeRosa screamed at her, “What the fuck did you do?” Boylan said that she told DeRosa, “I’m not speaking to you,” and hung up the phone. (DeRosa and a spokesperson for the Governor both declined to comment on the interaction.) “I was lighting all these fires,” Boylan told me. “And I think it was the culmination of a very long, destructive period of this dynamic.”
Boylan said that she had not seen her leaked personnel files and was unaware of any specific allegations they might contain. “I don’t want to take anything away from a woman that may have had a negative interaction with me,” she said. But she viewed the release of the files as a calculated effort to discredit her accusations of sexual harassment. “In more than three years that I worked for the administration, I never once had a performance review,” she said. “I’ve never seen an H.R. or personnel file, not just for myself but for any other employee, especially in the executive chamber. There’s no real H.R. function that would be independent of the Governor and his closest aides.” She called the introduction of the alleged workplace complaints into the initial coverage of her harassment claims “victim-blaming bullshit.”
Boylan told me that, beginning that summer, she tried to quit several times. A text from July, 2018, shows that, after one such attempt, DeRosa tried to persuade Boylan to return, writing, “I know it was a tough day today but we hope to see you back here tomorrow with the team helping to get things done.” Boylan resigned that September. “Lindsey’s such a tough person, usually positive and upbeat, but when she left the Governor’s office I saw a change in her,” Kelsey DePalo, her friend from college, said. “You could tell it was upsetting to her, the experience.”
In public, Boylan remained supportive of the Cuomo administration. That November, she retweeted an Op-Ed in the Times endorsing Cuomo’s reëlection, with applause and thumbs-up emojis. She said that her hesitation to condemn Cuomo publicly reflected the difficulty of working in New York politics without the Governor’s support. “There’s no other place to go,” she said. “When I was a teen-ager, I knew that I wanted to go into government and that this was what mattered to me,” she said. “You can’t leave. If you leave, you are destroyed.”
The uproar that Boylan’s December tweets helped to start has now engulfed her life. She runs her campaign for Manhattan borough president from her West Chelsea apartment while embracing her new role as one of Cuomo’s most public and persistent critics. In addition to her tweets excoriating the Governor and his supporters, she has traded insults with Internet trolls who have targeted her with sexist broadsides. Last Saturday, Boylan and her attorney met for two and a half hours, via Zoom, with the investigators leading the New York attorney general’s probe of the allegations against Cuomo. The investigators, Joon Kim and Anne Clark, sought records, witnesses, and additional details. Boylan said that she will continue to coöperate with the investigation.
She expressed frustration with what she perceives to be a reluctance among some Democrats to demand Cuomo’s resignation. She was especially dismayed by Hillary Clinton’s response. After Boylan’s and other allegations were made public, Clinton issued a statement saying that the allegations against Cuomo are “difficult to read” and “raise serious questions.” She emphasized the attorney general’s investigation, stopping short of calling for the Governor’s resignation. Clinton, Boylan told me, “was the great hero of my life.” She said that this was no longer the case. “There’s no way you don’t know who this man is if you’ve worked with, or around, him for decades,” she added.
Last week, Boylan broke down during a conversation on the telephone with her mother. “She was sobbing uncontrollably. She was in a bad place,” Karen told me. “She just didn’t feel like she was being supported.” Boylan said that she continues to feel that way: “I believe that anyone who is in politics and senior and has been around has heard all of these stories, at the very least, and has seen his lack of control, his lack of concern, his lack of integrity, at a very high level, and they said nothing.”
Another factor informed Boylan’s decision to first disclose her allegations online, on her own terms. She had been fearful about reporters’ willingness to stand up to Cuomo’s tactics. Cuomo and his aides were legendary for their bullying of the press. According to a source familiar with the episode, in a February, 2014, off-the-record dinner with the Times, Cuomo, after several drinks, began shouting at Susanne Craig, the newspaper’s Albany bureau chief, finally telling her, “I’m going to ruin you. As long as I live, I will never speak to you again.” Cuomo then stormed out of the restaurant. (A Cuomo spokesperson acknowledged a “tense disagreement” with Craig over an article. He added, “It’s no secret that the office has had a number of difficult conversations with reporters over the years––we respect tough reporters and hope they respect us.”) Several months later, Craig was part of a team of Times reporters who published an investigation into Cuomo’s disbanding of an anti-corruption commission.
Nevertheless, Boylan had personally witnessed Cuomo’s belligerence with the press, and it had left a searing impression on her. “I remember being in the car after one of our trips with the Governor and Melissa. And he is obliterating someone on the phone. He’s obliterating him,” she said. “I’m just assuming it’s one of our staffers. And it was this famous reporter.” She went on, “His main source of power is destroying you in the press.” She paused. “Look what he did to me.”
This piece has been updated to include a fuller description of Susanne Craig’s reporting on the Moreland Commission.
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Cuomo’s First Accuser Raises New Claims of Harassment and Retaliation - The New Yorker
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